
You'll find various ways to contact K. K. Discount Store here. Please check our FAQ page before contacting us. Most of the time, you will find the answer that you need there.

The best and easiest way to contact us is by email. We will try to get back to you as soon as possible.

General Inquiries and Support:
email support

Marketing and Promotion Inquiries:

Note that the email addresses are shown as a graphic to avoid unsolicited e-mail from automated programs, and will therefore need to be typed into your e-mail client.

Retail Store Information
KK Discount Store
78 Mulberry St
NY, NY 10013
Fax: (212) 513-7043 (phone services is currently still not available due to fire) 
Phone: (212) 513-7043 (phone services is currently still not available due to fire)
The telephone number is for retail store inquiries only. Questions regarding online orders, status, website, etc.. can not be answer by phone since it's a different division. Please email us instead for questions regarding or your online order status.

Store Hours are 10am - 6pm (EST)
Open 7 days a week