100 Billion Extra Large Joss Paper Heaven Bank Note


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Product Overview

This 100 billion extra large joss paper heaven bank note contains about 4 sheets in a pack and is 16 1/4" x 7 3/4". As you can see in one of our pictures, this bank note is larger in size than the normal joss paper money. The 100 billion heaven bank note joss paper money is uniquely designed with the Jade emperor and the denomination 100,000,000,000 on the front. The front of the joss notes also includes a dragon boat and dragon fish hybrid. There are also Chinese words that states the joss money will keep fortune coming, and will bring good fortune for both people living and in the afterlife.

The back of the 100 billion extra large joss paper heaven bank note shows a picture of a heaven bank landscape and words to a common prayer chant. Other Chinese words on the back of the joss paper money roughly translate into "may you have continuous fortune and earn big money" Please note that the back of these joss paper might look faded due to real joss paper being used. These type of joss paper may not look as detailed as other joss notes, but it is better for burning. Chinese culture often burn heaven bank notes to please the gods and/or people of the afterlife. Joss paper can be seen used in a lot of religious ceremony. Joss paper are also use for decorative purpose as well. Made in China.

KKDiscount.com offers both the Hell Bank Notes and Heaven Bank Note. Both joss note has the same meaning in Asian culture.


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    KK Never Fail Me! I will always shop with them

    Posted by Unknown on 10th Mar 2022

    I have been buying Joss Paper (ancestors money) from KK for a few years. The Joss Paper burns wonderfully.