Our retail store is currently closed due to a tragic fire that claimed the lives of two of our beloved neighbors in the building where our store is. Our store has encountered extensive damages. We will not know the full extend of the damage until next week when building inspection takes place.
Thank you to everyone who has reached out to us during this time. We haven't been able to respond yet since we are still processing what happened. We will keep everyone posted on this page. Please check this page for any updates. For now we expect the store to be closed for weeks if not months due to the extensive damage to the store interior. We are also expecting substantial loss to our inventory due to the massive water damage. Response may be delayed during time.
New Updates:
Online ordering has resumed but processing time might be slightly delayed. Certain products may not be accessible at this time due to the retail store being closed. We are still uncertain when mandatory building vacate order will be lifted.
Thank you everyone for the love and support that we have received during this trying times. We are still not sure when the mandatory building vacate order will be lifted. We hope to have online order back up first in the future. In the mean time, if you would like to place an order please contact us and we will see if we can help. Due to the fire, we only have access to a limited amount of products during this time.
Links to a few news coverage on the tragic fire