Winner of Best Shopping Website

BestofNY.jpgK. K. Discount Store was selected as the best shopping website for New York! On the left is a small scan of the award that we received. It says presented to instead of because we're part of the MadCool Network and our e-commerce store was located at instead of back in 2000.

Read about us in the April 2000 issue. The letter that was sent to us is as follow:

June 2000

Dear Best of New York Winner:

Congratulations on being selected as a "Best of New York" winner for 2000.

NEW YORK Magazine sent it's editors out to pound the pavement of the city to discover the Best of New York--they tested, touched and tasted virtually everything to bring our readers the finest the city has to offer, from the best bicycles to the best burgers. Our finding were featured in the April 24th Best of New York issue.

As a winner, we invite you to hang this certificate in your store, corporate office, or reception area, to let your customers know that they have chosen well. Congratulations, and keep up the good work.

Being the best has its rewards. Enjoy!

Caroline Miller - Editor-in-Chief
Alan Katz - Publisher