This popular Yee kon bo joss paper pack weights 8 oz and is about 9 1/4" x 6". Yee kon bo joss paper is sold by weight and not by how many is in a pack. The yee kon bo joss pack has two different style of sheets. The first joss paper sheet has a silver foil, while the other sheet has a gold foil with Chinese fortune, longevity, and wealth symbols. Yee kon bo is also known / pronounced as Di Kon Bo in Chinese. The yee in yee kon bo and the di in di kon bo means second(2nd). The yee kon bo joss paper can be folded or just burn as is. It is considered as a form of currency for the afterlife. Chinese culture often burn joss paper to please the gods and/or people of the afterlife. Joss paper can be seen used in a lot of ceremonial and religious events. We also sell a bigger version of the yee kon bo: Big Dai Kon Bo Joss Paper Pack Made in China.